

Before sending your abstract via the Abstract Submission link, please make sure your abstract includes the following information:

  • Title of your paper/poster
  • Author(s) (name + surname)
  • Affiliation(s) (name of university/institution, city)
  • ORCID number(s)
  • 5 keywords
  • Abstract proper, including the following: research questions or hypotheses, theoretical framework and methodology, source(s) of language data, summary of results (if possible), reference to similar previous research
  • References (max. 5 publications) listed as full bibliographical notes; only works referred to in the text of the abstract can be included; for in-text references use the following convention: (Black 2009: 25)
  • Acknowledgments (if applicable) that concern grants or research projects

Your abstract should not exceed 350 words, excluding references and acknowledgements, and should be submitted via the Abstract Submission link on the conference website by February 28th, 2025. The link will be activated in early January.

All abstracts will be anonymized for peer-review.

In case you would like to present or co-present two papers, please submit a separate abstract for each paper.