The Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2025 international conference will be hosted by the University of the National Education Commission (UKEN), the third largest (out of eleven) state universities in Krakow, with ca. 17,000 students and ca. 1,000 faculty members. UKEN premises are scattered throughout the city.
The thematic sessions will be held at the UKEN Institute of English Studies at 41 Karmelicka Street, just a 9-minute walk from Krakow’s Old Town (1,5 tram stop) and 3,5 tram stops from Kraków’s Main Railway and Bus Stations, from where you can take any tram that says: Bronowice.
All plenary sessions will be held at UKEN Main Campus, in the Auditorium (1st floor, look for the PTJK2025 signs), at 2 Podchorążych Street (use the main entrance overlooking Podchorążych Street).
Moving between the two conference venues is very easy; both are located along the same road.
BY TRAM: the tram stops are located very close to both conference venues, which are separated only by a distance of 4 tram stops (a 13-minute trip). You can take ANY tram, both ways. When you leave the Karmelicka building, it is best to go left to find the closest tram stop on the same side of the road. When you leave the Main Campus building, turn right and the nearest tram stop is right there on the same side of the road. A 20-minute ride regular ticket is 4zł (PLN). The conference organisers hope to provide the participants with enough tickets. You can also use an app to buy a ticket or use a machine located at some tram stops (there is a ticket machine close to the Main Campus, credit cards are accepted).
ON FOOT: the two conference venues are separated by a 25-30-minute pleasant walk along Królewska and then Karmelicka Streets or along Lea and then Karmelicka Streets (a straight line of ca. 2,000 meters). There are some nice cafes and small eateries along Lea and Karmelicka Streets.